Litian Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd
Litian Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd

How to Use and Precautions for Mining Rock Drill Bits

Mining rock drill bit is an important tool widely used in mining. Its function is to cut through the hard rock through high-speed rotation and impact force in order to carry out mining operations. The use of mining rock drill bit requires certain skills and precautions, the following will introduce you to the correct use of the method.

First of all, before using the mining rock drill bit, you must ensure that it is tightly connected to other rock drilling parts and well installed on the drilling rig. Check whether the bit body and alloy buttons of the rock drill bit are intact to ensure its normal operation.

Secondly, before using the mining rock drill bit, you should make adequate preparations. Clean up the operation site to ensure that there are no debris or obstacles around to avoid interference with the operation. Before starting rock drilling, geological exploration should also be carried out to understand the hardness and structure of the rock and provide the necessary information for the rock drilling work.

In the actual use process, the following points need to be noted. 

First of all, it is necessary to choose a suitable rock drilling bit and matching coolant. According to the hardness and structure of the rock, choose the appropriate rock drilling bit to avoid using mismatched tools that may lead to poor results. At the same time, the use of coolant can reduce the temperature of the rock drill bit and extend its service life.

Secondly, pay attention to the time and frequency of using rock drill bits. Overuse of rock drill bits can cause them to overheat, affecting performance and life. Therefore, after a period of continuous use, it is necessary to stop the machine to cool down and let the rock drill bit return to normal temperature. In addition, the frequency of using rock drill bits should be reasonably arranged according to the work demand to avoid excessive wear.

Finally, the rock drill bit should be inspected and maintained regularly. Regularly check the tool wear of the rock drill bit and replace or repair it in time to ensure its working effect. At the same time, it is also necessary to regularly clean and lubricate the rock drill bit to maintain its flexibility and smoothness.

In short, mining rock drill bit is an indispensable tool in mining, the correct use of methods and precautions can improve work efficiency and extend the service life of rock drill bit. Reasonable selection of tools, good preparation, pay attention to the use of time and frequency, regular inspection and maintenance, these are to ensure the safety and efficiency of highland use of mining rock drill bit important links.